Question: It is said that if a person is complex, then he cannot run fast in the spiritual life. Is this true?
Sri Chinmoy: God Himself is very simple and inside His simplicity we feel our constant oneness. Complexity is in the mind and not in the heart. The heart is all simplicity. We need the heart of a child in order to run the fastest. A child’s heart is all simplicity. But when the child develops the mind and lives in the mind, then world-confusion enters into him. At that time fear, doubt, anxiety, jealousy and many other undivine forces weigh him down, so naturally he cannot run fast.Suppose you and somebody else are walking or running toward a goal. If the other person is carrying a heavy load on his shoulders, whereas you are not, naturally he will not be able to run as fast as you can. But who compelled him to carry that heavy load? Nobody! It is his self-chosen ignorance. In your case wisdom has dawned; that is why you know that fear, doubt and all these things have to be discarded. They have to be discarded or they have to be transformed and illumined so that they can become an added help to your race.
Speed is of great importance. When we reach our destination, our journey is not over. After we realise the Highest we have to enter into the world dynamically to be of service to mankind. It is like climbing up the tree. First we have to climb up the tree; then after reaching the highest branch we have to bring down the fruits and distribute them to those who are still trying to climb up but do not know how. These are sincere seekers who need help from those who are more advanced. The sooner we reach our destination, the better, for there are many things we have to do after we reach our goal. And the fastest way is the path of the heart, because the heart is not weighed down with world-confusion and world-anxieties.