Question: Could you please tell us the value of practising transcendental meditation?
Sri Chinmoy: I am the wrong person to ask; I am not competent to say. This morning somebody came up to me after I gave a talk and asked me about some other Master. He was holding a pin with the Master’s picture and he said to me, “Please tell me something about my Master.” I said, “Your Master is inside your heart. How will I know more than you do? Your Master is inside you and I am outside, so I am an intruder. You will definitely know much more about him than I know.” I have not practised transcendental meditation. Since I have not practised it, I do not know anything about it. Whatever I will say will be all wrong. I know what I have inside my heart or inside my room. About that I can tell you. But the things that belong to somebody else or are in somebody else’s room, I won’t be able to discuss. You will have to ask that person.