When you take one step towards Me6

Although I have an insincere mind,
I frequently think of You, my Captain.
Although I have an impure heart,
I fearfully love You, my Captain.
Although I have a complicated life,
I hesitantly need You, my Captain.
Please tell me what You actually think
Of my insincere mind, impure heart
And complicated life.

“My child, when you use your insincere mind,
Impure heart and complicated life,
It is like taking one step towards Me.
While you are taking one step towards Me,
I go one step farther away.
But if you ever use your sincere mind,
Pure heart and simple life,
Then I tell you,
When you take one step towards Me,
I take ninety-nine steps forward to meet you
And give to your mind
A beautiful Sincerity-Smile,
To your heart,
A powerful Purity-Embrace
And to your life,
A fruitful Simplicity-Oneness.”

CC 6. 5 August 1987.