Question: Why is God up in the sky and not on earth?
Sri Chinmoy: God is up in the sky and He is also on earth. It is the books you have read about God, especially in the Western world, and your parents that have taught you that God is up in the sky. I wish to say that God is up in the sky, but He is also here on earth. If you read the inner book inside your heart, then you will see that God is also on earth. Since you are on earth, although God is all-pervading, the God-consciousness on earth is infinitely more important for you than God who is in the sky, in Heaven.Now, what is your sky and what is your earth? Your sky is your head and your earth is your feet. When you think of the sky, think of your head, where God is; and when you think of earth, think of your feet, where God also is. You need both your feet and your head. If you don’t have your feet, you can’t walk. If you don’t have a head, then you will have no brain. Both are necessary, although God is in each. Your head is at one place and your feet are at another place. What connects them is your heart. The heart is the connecting link, the bridge. When you want to see God who is in your head, you can easily go from your feet to your head by crossing the connecting link, which is your heart.
Sri Chinmoy, A child's heart and a child's dreams, Aum Publications, 1986