Part III
CSC 11-12. These questions were asked on 27 November 2003 in Singapore.Question: When the Cosmic Gods and Goddesses come to you while you are lifting heavy weights, what kind of help do they give you?
Sri Chinmoy: Their very presence helps me. They come with such goodwill and such compassion. On the physical plane, I am doing it, but their very blessings help me. They come to bless me because they want to show that the physical has to be the representative of the spiritual. There should not be a yawning gulf between the physical and the spiritual. The spiritual has to work in and through the physical, and the physical has to be properly receptive to the spiritual. So I am trying to build a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. Perhaps other spiritual Masters did not try to do this, because it is almost an impossible task. They are satisfied only with the spiritual.According to Sri Aurobindo, the physical means matter. Here we are talking of matter and spirit. In terms of receptivity, the physical is the worst. It is a solid wall. We try so hard to make the body receptive, but it is almost an impossible task. That is why the Cosmic Gods and Goddesses come. Their very blessings help me and they offer me their boundless encouragement.
Sri Chinmoy, Conversations with Sri Chinmoy, Agni Press, 2007