The pilgrim seekers
Man’s union with God has been in existence from time immemorial. But man has unconsciously, or rather, consciously severed this oneness by embracing ignorance instead of God. God has granted man limited freedom. Even this very limited freedom man has misused. That is why he is not now in conscious, perfect union with God. But through aspiration he can re-establish his conscious, constant, natural and spontaneous union with God.Some time ago I read a book in which an eminent psychologist said that one’s goal should be aspiration. But the Eastern thinkers, philosophers and spiritual Masters say that aspiration can never be the Goal. Through aspiration we reach the Goal, but aspiration is only the first rung of the spiritual ladder. First comes aspiration, then experience, then minor realisation, then full realisation, then transformation and divinisation and then finally manifestation. We have to know that there is a vast difference between aspiration and manifestation, which is our ultimate goal.
At the beginning of our spiritual journey, our goal is aspiration. When we are in the field of aspiration, we will have the power of revelation. When the mounting flame within us rises up to the highest, at that time we will have the eye of vision, the third eye. It will make us see our ultimate inner Goal.
God-realisation is the first Goal of the aspiring seeker. The achievement of this lofty Goal is a matter of one’s spiritual development. If one has been aspiring and meditating in previous lifetimes, then there is no reason why he cannot attain realisation in this life on the strength of his present aspiration. Since we are all progressing towards realisation, in one incarnation or another our realisation is bound to take place. Again, the actual hour entirely depends on our spiritual development.
Realisation and manifestation have to go together. We have to aspire first within ourselves. But at the same time let us try to feel that the world is inside us, not outside us. The world is the projection of our own life. If we feel that we have acquired peace, then gradually, gradually we shall see that the people around us are being inspired and influenced by our peace. First let us try to create our own world according to our own satisfaction. When we have created or achieved something divine within us, immediately it will try to reveal itself. When we have more capacity, naturally many more people will be inspired and influenced by it. So let us please try to create our own world within ourselves, a world of peace, a world of love. Then, automatically, while we are aspiring for the Highest, these divine qualities will reveal and manifest themselves to the world at large.