Act VIII, Scene 8
(The Karmayogin Office. Aurobindo, Nolini, Suresh Chandra Chakravarty, Biren Ghosh and Bijoy Nag are trying automatic writing. Time: 8 p.m. Enter Ramchandra Majumdar.)RAMCHANDRA (turning towards Aurobindo in a low voice): I have just heard from Father that in a day or two the Government will forcibly enter our office and arrest you.
(Aurobindo in contemplation.)
SURESH: Is it actually true?
BIJOY: Authentic?
NOLINI: Is it possible? Have not the Government taken note of “An Open Letter to My Countrymen”?
RAMCHANDRA: They have. But they know their own way. They are led by secret reports.
AUROBINDO (abruptly): Chandernagore.
SURESH: Chandernagore?
AUROBINDO: I am starting at once for Chandernagore. I am going by a back route to the bank of the Ganges.
(Aurobindo and party come to the Ghat. Aurobindo steps into a boat. Suresh and Biren follow him. The boat is rowed by two men.)
AUROBINDO (to Suresh and Biren): Have no fear. I have heard the voice from Above.
SURESH: That sets our anxieties at rest.