Scene 1
(Naren has just arrived at the railway station. He has come back from a triumphant visit to the West. Rakhal has come to meet him with a few brother disciples. They are all extolling Naren to the skies. Rakhal and brother disciples sing:)
Deshe deshe ghure berai deshe deshe
premer shikha bahan kare hese hese
sakal desher gopan katha
sakal praner byakulata
ek halo aj asim pathe
alinganer alor brate
hiya tarir majhi tomai bhalobese
(From country to country we roam,
Carrying the flame of Love Divine,
Smiling and smiling.
The secret thought of each country
And the yearning of each life
Here become one.
On the road of Infinity,
In the embrace of the covenant
Of the Light Supreme,
O Boatman of our Heart-Boat,
By loving You, we do all this.)
(Rakhal offers Naren a garland.)
NAREN: Rakhal, it is you who deserve this garland. You are the son of Thakur. Thakur has called only you his son. Guruvat guru putreshu. [The son of a Guru is like the Guru himself.] So it is you who deserve this garland.
RAKHAL: Jaishtha vrata sama pita. [An elder brother is like one’s own father.] You are older than I. You are like my father. It is you who deserve this garland, and I shall put it on you.
NAREN: No, Rakhal. Thakur used to say that you had the highest experiences. Your experiences have surpassed all our experiences. You are the Raja, the King. I am so proud of you, of your spiritual attainments.
RAKHAL: Naren, Thakur told us that you would be our leader. We shall always look upon you as our dearest leader. We shall always be at your command. To serve you, to please you, to listen to you will be the one thing that will give us joy.
NAREN: Rakhal, with your soul’s height and with my soul’s dynamism we shall manifest our Lord, Sri Ramakrishna, in every corner of India. And not only in India, but over the length and breadth of the world. In you is Thakur’s poise and peace.
RAKHAL: In you is Thakur’s pride and fulfilment. You are Thakur’s promise.