Mr. George Riddell: In Yoga, do you have a Scripture, as we have the Bible?
Sri Chinmoy: We have many scriptures in India. Among these are the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita. Just as your Bible is a collection of writings and not one particular piece of writing, so are our scriptures a collection of religious and spiritual books. The most loved and revered scripture of India is a book that I have mentioned, the Bhagavad Gita. This book, by the way, is often called the Bible of India.Mr. George Riddell: The Gita is also used in Islam?
Sri Chinmoy: They have their Koran. The Koran is the sacred book of the Moslems as we have the Gita and you have the Bible.
Sri Chinmoy, Earth’s Cry Meets Heaven’s Smile, part 1, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1974