Question: I read that people who embark on one of the varied spiritual programmes are usually given a particular sound for them. Is this based on a particular thing, or just a feeling at the time, or is there a way of determining what this sound is for the individual?
Sri Chinmoy: Each mantra or sound carries a special significance. It depends on the individual soul, that is to say, the individual aspirant. So when you give a particular sound, a particular mantra, one has to know whether the mantra is actually going to help the person. Any mantra cannot be given to any aspirant. Only the teacher is in a position to see the spiritual faculties, qualities, tendencies and aspiration of the aspirant and the teacher gives a suitable sound, a mantra, to that individual seeker.
Sri Chinmoy, Earth’s Cry Meets Heaven’s Smile, part 3, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1978