Question: How does the soul deal with good and evil and prevent us from doing wrong?
Sri Chinmoy: There comes a time when we go beyond duality. If you go deep within, you will see that what you call bad is not bad at all. It is just an experience that is taking place on the earth plane. Everything is relative. But here on earth we do feel wrong forces. How can we prevent them from operating in our lives or in the lives of our dear ones? There are two sensible ways.The first way is through concentration, meditation and contemplation: If one knows how to do these well, then he need not enter into the world of wrong forces. During your soulful meditation, you can ask God for strength, solid strength, spiritual strength. If you can apply this solid strength in your life, then the bad forces are bound to disappear from you and from the atmosphere around you.
The second way is to try to see the ultimate Truth, God, in everything. This we have to do with our souls’ light. Each human being has a soul. The soul is an infinitesimal portion of the infinite Truth. The soul is in direct contact with the Divine, with the transcendental Being. The problem is that when we speak to a person, we do not approach his soul. We see only the outer body, the flesh and bones. The physical is full of darkness and imperfections, so it is difficult for us to approach the soul. But let us try to see the soul inside the physical being of the person and commune with the soul and bring to the fore the soul’s light. We may think that that particular person is the worst possible culprit in everything, but if we can bring the person’s soul to the fore, we will feel and observe something really divine. In this way automatically the evil has to give way to the good, for the soul is all light.