Editor's note to cover photo
During a visit to Antigua on 2 January 1979, Sri Chinmoy and some of his students met with Premier V.C. Bird. Sri Chinmoy and the Premier discussed, among other things, what role the island nation would play in the United Nations when it became independent and joined the world organisation. Both of these events finally occurred in November 1981.Afterwards, Sri Chinmoy’s students sang his newly composed song, “Antigua”, which was dedicated to Premier Bird.
The Premier told Sri Chinmoy, “Your presence at the United Nations in the Meditation Group must help because, after all, it is the inner values — the way we think and the faith that we express — that will be able to dilute the wrongs and make a better world for us all.”
Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 22, Agni Press, 1981