Question: How can we as individuals encourage a world-wide recognition of the basic unity of all major religions?
Sri Chinmoy: There is only one way we can encourage a world-wide recognition of the basic unity of all major religions. First we have to become perfect ourselves, as individuals. If we become God-loving and all the time are serving God in humanity, then our perfection will automatically encourage others to become perfect. When we become perfect, automatically our perfection will permeate the votaries of other religions. So, as individuals, we have to become perfect no matter which religion we belong to. Then our perfection will spread the perfume, the fragrance of the divinity-flower which is meant for all religions and lovers of religion. That flower is for everyone to appreciate and to grow into. Once everyone grows into his own divinity-flower, then everyone will see and feel the basic unity of all religions for the worship of the ultimate Truth in life.
Sri Chinmoy, Flame-Waves, part 9, Agni Press, 1978