Question: When a member state assumes an "anti-United Nations attitude", the cause would probably be frustration or fear that the U.N. has taken or may take some action against it. Does such an attitude weaken the U.N. system?
Sri Chinmoy: When a member state assumes an “anti-United Nations attitude”, it undoubtedly weakens the United Nations system. First of all, it violently and shamelessly goes against the United Nations system. When a member state goes against the United Nations system, on the outer plane it definitely weakens the system; but on the inner plane the strength of the United Nations system is extremely solid and sound. As long as the inner aspiration of the United Nations is sincere and strong, we do not have to worry if a member state or even if all the member states assume an “anti-United Nations attitude”. For it is not the member states alone that can and will bring about world harmony. It is the united force of all the nations, big and small, that can and will bring about a oneness-world family.There can be many reasons why a member state wants to stand against the United Nations policy. But just by standing against United Nations policy, a state will not be able to solve even an iota of the world’s problems. If one sees that the United Nations is doing something wrong, that is no reason why one should want to stand against the United Nations. One has to love the United Nations more in order to bring to the fore its sincere aspirations which can and will change the face of the entire world.
To err is human, to forgive divine. To forget past blunders of others, as well as one’s own, is to make friends with satisfaction-peace and perfection-bliss. Further, this is the only way to accelerate humanity’s oneness-vision and oneness-goal. If you see the world’s imperfections, you should not discard the world; you should not consider it a filthy object or speak ill of it in season and out of season. No! The wise thing is to accept and embrace the world — the well-meaning U.N. world — as a humble and trying instrument of an all-embracing and all-fulfilling supreme Reality.