19. Question: Is there a simple approach to God-realisation?
Sri Chinmoy: Yes, there is a simple approach to God-realisation. That approach is the approach of surrender. If surrender is our approach to God-realisation, then we will realise God most easily and most quickly. When we surrender we have to know if we are surrendering because of our helplessness or because we are not able to get the result that we want from our actions. If we surrender to God for these reasons, that surrender is useless. We have to feel that the Supreme has asked us to play the role of surrender. By listening to His decree, we are pleasing Him. Then, if we go one step further, we will feel that it is He who is playing the role of surrender in us. If we identify ourselves with Him on two different levels of consciousness, we see that God as the human in us is playing the role of surrender, while God as the divine in us is playing the role of the Lord. If we can feel this, our realisation will be complete and perfect.
Sri Chinmoy, A God-Lover's Earth-Heaven-Life, part 1, Agni Press, 1974