Jao Chale Jao Chale Jao

Jao chale jao chale jao
Ananda nahi tumi chao
Chaho shudhu bandhaner rup
Nahi chaho muktir dhup
Jao chale he arati ghor
Mor lagi asimer bhor

_Translation <html>Go away, go away, go away!<br \></html> <html>You do not want Divine Delight.<br \></html> <html>You only want the beauty of bondage.<br \></html> <html>You do not want the incense-flame<br \></html> <html>of liberation.<br \></html> <html>O dark enemy, away you go!<br \></html> <html>For me the dawn of Infinity.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>

      <a class="source-title"  href="gll_1"  title="" >Sri Chinmoy, Garden of love-light, part 1, </a>Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1974


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