Question: Is our path going to bring about some sort of social change?
Sri Chinmoy: I have not come here to bring about any social change. I have come to the West only to bring light, to be of service to you people, only to bring to the fore what is real in you so that you can become perfect instruments of God.Unfortunately, you are claiming unreality as your very own because you do not know the real from the unreal. When the real in you comes forward, then you become a perfect instrument of God. If the real comes to the fore in you, in him, in her, in everybody, then you will see some significant changes in society.
Society is like a house. If all the members of the house become perfect, then the house will flow with peace, light and harmony. It is from individual progress that the collective progress comes. If I become perfect, if you become perfect, if everybody becomes perfect, then you will see that the social changes will be unnecessary. But if we try to make society perfect when it is still full of imperfect human beings, we will sadly fail.