No chance but God's concern6
No chance but God’s Concern. No golden chance but God’s constant Concern.Before I act, I need to live. Before I live, I need to breathe. Before I breathe, I need to know the purpose of my life, the aim of my earthly existence. If the ultimate aim of my earthly existence is to reach the farthest, feel the deepest and climb the highest, then I have to breathe God’s Light in and out from God Himself.
From whom can I have God’s Light? God’s Light I can have directly from God when the fleeting moment of my unconditionally surrendered life I offer to God.
When can I have God’s Light? I can have God’s Light when I am consciously aware of the undeniable fact that God loves me infinitely more than I love Him; and I have to feel that God loves me infinitely more than I love myself.
How can I have God’s Light? I can have God’s Light when I grow into the purest humility of the poor and the mightiest magnanimity of the rich. My humility is my divine brotherhood. My magnanimity is my divine fatherhood.
I have to feel that it is God, God alone, who constantly cares for me. I am not afraid of telling anything to the world, because I feel that God is speaking through me. I am not afraid of doing anything in the world, because I feel that God is acting through me. I am not afraid of transforming the world-nature, because I know that God is doing it for me. Finally, I am not afraid of affirming that God and I are eternally and perpetually one, because God has confided in me that there can be no other Truth than this.
No chance. There is no such thing as chance. There is only God’s constant, selfless, unreserved Concern. This Concern is His glowing, flowing and descending Grace.
God is Concern. This Concern enters into the darkening ignorance and darkened humanity to transform the face of the world only when the earth-consciousness is ready to receive God’s spontaneous, constant and unreserved Concern soulfully and unreservedly.
No chance but God’s Concern. No golden chance but God’s constant Concern.
GNS 7. Peace Room, United Nations Church Center, 2 June 1970.↩