Question: During meditation and prayer, some people concentrate on certain objects on the shrine, like photographs or some other things. Is it wise for them to cling to these objects, or is it wiser for them to meditate on something that has no form, that they cannot see?
Sri Chinmoy: When they meditate on something, they are not worshipping that particular thing as God. Only that thing is inspiring them. I look at this candle and I see the flame; but I am not taking the flame as God. I am taking the flame as a source of inspiration. This flame inspires me and increases my aspiration to dive deep within. When I can dive deep within, then one day I will realise God and see Him face to face. So, if something helps me to dive deep within, then I will accept that help.
Sri Chinmoy, The giver and the receiver, Agni Press, 1987