Question: Guru, at times I feel that whenever I am about to attend a Centre activity, a resistance presents itself before me and tells me not to go or participate. Am I doomed to feel this resistance, even when I know that the activity will be for my benefit? Sometimes the more I appreciate the benefit, the more strongly the resistance presents itself. Why?
Sri Chinmoy: Please don't feel that the resistance comes from you. It is an attack coming from the mind. Your mind doesn't want to get the benefit of our Centre activities. Your mind acts like your master and wants you to feel that you are its possession. Your mind has a sense of supremacy and is attached to that supremacy. It feels that it has dominated your life for a long time. The resistance in the mind is not coming from you but from the hostile forces in your mind. The mind is saying, in effect, "If he does not feed me, then I will have to stop functioning." It fears for its very existence, which has been uppermost in your life until now.Why are you helpless in the face of these attacks? Because you have allowed yourself to be helpless. The mind attacks to weaken you. From this moment on, change your master so that the heart is uppermost. Be one with the heart and not with the mind.
Sri Chinmoy, The giver and the receiver, Agni Press, 1987