To the end I will love the United Nations9

Whoever leads the United Nations should use only the heart, only the heart. If he uses the heart, the rest of the world will connive at, or ignore, the shortcomings of the United Nations. The world will feel that the UN has a heart, a sincere heart. That sincere heart will be able to gain the confidence of the world. Now, because of unfortunate things that are taking place in various countries, the world does not have the same feeling, the same sympathetic heart.

Two things the UN can do. It can bravely speak out and say what it feels is the right thing to say, and at the same time it can beg the world to come to its rescue. It can also unreservedly take advice from the nations that are most sincerely ready and eager to help the United Nations come out of a very serious crisis.

I only love the United Nations. To the end I will love and love the United Nations. One good word if I hear about the United Nations, I literally dance in the sky.

HCE 9. 13 March 2005, Sri Chinmoy's home, Jamaica, New York