Question: How can we be fully forgiven?
Sri Chinmoy: Let us say you have done something wrong, so you pray to God to forgive you. Then, after two months or even two days, you may be tempted to do the same thing again. But, even if you are tempted, if you do not repeat the wrong thing that you have done, then you know that you are forgiven. If you can assure God that you will not do it again, then His Forgiveness comes. Otherwise, your misdeed and God's Forgiveness do not automatically go together. God examines you. If He sees that you have not done the same thing a second time, then He forgives you. Otherwise, if God forgives you at once, you will be inclined to do the same thing again after three months.Let us say you have told a lie. The first time, God gives you a chance. Then you tell another lie. God does not trust you at that time. When you make a promise that you will not do the thing anymore and you keep your promise, then you are forgiven. But if you continue to break your promise, then you are not forgiven. At that time it becomes worse. God becomes His Justice-Light.
Sri Chinmoy, My heart-door I have kept wide open, Agni Press, 2011