Question: What are the ways to go deep within or raise our consciousness while meditating in a group?
Sri Chinmoy: There are three ways. The first way is called japa, which is the incantation or repetition of a word or mantra. Then comes meditation. Then there is prayer.Our best mantra is Aum. When we repeat it, it becomes japa. Kindly chant Aum most soulfully. Then while meditating, please don't allow any thought to enter; only feel that you are inside me, or inside the Himalayas, climbing high, higher, highest. When you do prayer, please try to feel that there is no competition at all in the spiritual life. Please try to do your best and feel that each individual is responsible for the best achievement, the best progress. Feel that today is your day and if you do well, the Supreme will be extremely pleased.
Sri Chinmoy, The hour of meditation, Agni Press, 1977