
Surrender, surrender, surrender!

I must surrender to my heart's sweet whispers. I must never, never surrender to my mind's loud thunder.

I must surrender to my heart's ever brightening day. I must never, never surrender to my mind's ever-darkening night.

Surrender, surrender!

I must surrender to the liberating and expanding world within. I must never surrender to the binding and limiting world without — never!

I must surrender to the dynamic smile of the world within. I must never, never surrender to the titanic frown of the world without.

Surrender, surrender!

I do not surrender out of compulsion. I surrender out of my inner necessity. From my aspiration-life I inwardly get the supreme message to surrender what I have and what I am to my Lord Beloved Supreme. This is not the slave's surrender to his master but the God lover's surrender to his Beloved Supreme. This is the surrender of the finite to the infinite, knowing perfectly well that the infinite is its Source.

Consciously, devotedly and unconditionally the human in me surrenders to the divine in me to become inseparably one with my Lord Beloved Supreme's infinite Peace, Light and Bliss.

When I surrender the human in me to the divine in me, my life does not become a demolition-derby; it becomes a glorification-palace.

When I surrender my earth-bound life to my Heaven-free existence, I become Infinity's Peace and Eternity's Light.

When I surrender my outer life to my Lord Supreme, out of His infinite Bounty He grants my outer life ceaseless progress. When I surrender my inner life to my Lord Supreme, out of His infinite Bounty He grants my inner life perfect perfection.

Only my outer progress and my inner perfection can bring about world peace in abundant, infinite measure.

HPO 10. Kurhalle Oberlaa, Vienna, Austria, 1 April 1989.