Beauty. Beauty without light is a flower without fragrance.Outer beauty and inner beauty should be filled with fragrance — not with perfume, but with all the fragrance of a flower. We are all flowers and we have to feel at every moment that we are dedicated at the Feet of the Highest Lord Supreme.
He who aspires enters into beauty: beauty that makes his life fruitful in the highest realm of consciousness and meaningful here in the field of manifestation. The beauty that we see around us, we can utilise to go deep within. The beauty that we feel and embody, we can use to perfect God's outer creation.
Beauty is the sacrifice of human life and the smile of divine realisation. The moment the human in us is sacrificed, the Divine in us gets the strongest opportunity to grow. Human sacrifice and God's fulfilling creation can and must go together.
God's Beauty liberates man. Man's beauty binds God. Man's beauty is his sacrifice. On the strength of his sacrifice, man can bind God. God, on the strength of His own inner Beauty, which is All-Beauty, can throw infinite Beauty into the sea of human reality.
When man seeks for the Highest, God is more than eager to offer the Highest to man. Man's human beauty climbs up to the Highest. God's divine Beauty descends into the lowest plane of human life.
Each seeker not only has the capacity to become, but eventually must become the beauty of the soul, the beauty of Reality's ideal, which is the highest self-discovery.