Question: When did ignorance first strike us?
Sri Chinmoy: When we are in the soul’s region there is no ignorance. But the very moment we come into the world and look around, even if we don’t open our eyes, ignorance comes and enters into us. Again, with our conscious aspiration we are able to know what ignorance is and what light and truth are. Then we see that ignorance is not the whole world; light is also here. Ignorance is not the lord; the lord is light.Now ignorance is ruling us and lording it over us. But if we transform our ignorance, then it is we who will rule ignorance. A wild animal can kill us, but if we are skilful we can tame the animal. A tiger can kill us but there are people who can tame tigers. You can see tamed tigers in the zoo or circus. This ignorance that comes to devour us we can immediately tame with our soul’s strength and power. For our own purpose we can transform this ignorance-tiger and use its power and capacity for a divine purpose. We see in the world around us people who are ignorant and acting like mad elephants with enormous strength. If we can change or transform their natures with our own aspiration, realisation and illumination, then we will be using their same strength for a divine purpose.