
Where do you live?
Do you live inside my body?


Do you live inside my vital?

"No, no!"

Do you live inside my mind?

"No, no, no!"

Do you live inside my heart?

"No, no, no, no!"

Do you live inside my soul?
"You stupid fellow!
I never thought
That you could be so stupid.
Of course, if your soul
Were made of charcoal,
I could live there.
But you must know
That your soul is made of
God's own Divinity."

In that case,
I will not dare to ask you
If you live inside God.

"Better not!
The elephant-pride of the mental asylum
Will immediately beckon you!"

Impurity, my dear friend,
Then do tell me
Where you actually live.

"I live inside the beauty
And fragrance
Of your incoming breath."

What about my outgoing breath?
Do you ever accompany
My outgoing breath?

"Yes, I do,
Only when I am forced to."

You are so powerful;
Who could ever dare
To force you?

"Although I am powerful,
Very powerful,
Extremely powerful,
Unimaginably powerful,
I am no match for
Your heart's streaming tears,
Your heart's climbing tears and
Your heart's falling tears,
Or for
Your soul's life-awakening smiles,
Your soul's world-illumining smiles and
Your soul's earth-transforming smiles."