
I am so grateful that we were able to have so many eminent bodybuilders with us. Mahasamrat Bill Pearl, Frank Zane, Dan Lurie, Wayne DeMilia and Mike Katz have all contributed so much to the world at large in their own fields. We received from them so much inspiration. Their kind words I take most sincerely as real blessings.

I was a total stranger to this bodybuilding world until the last few years. This was a world I could not appreciate. But now God, my Lord Beloved Supreme, says that I must appreciate each and every thing in life and bring to the fore its inner beauty, inner fragrance, inner divinity and inner reality. So my Lord Supreme is giving me a new lesson with this weightlifting world. This was a lesson I disliked immensely and intensely, but now this weightlifting lesson is inspiring me far beyond my imagination. And now this lesson is also becoming a source of inspiration to countless human beings who believe in a oneness-world-heart.

Some people are of the opinion that I am doing this weightlifting on the strength of my mind-power. They are totally mistaken. I do not use any power. But if there is something called an inherent divinity which every human being is endowed with, then it is the oneness-heart-power. It is the oneness-heart-power in me that enables me to do these things. And perhaps there will be many more things that will be accomplished by the Supreme in me on the strength of this oneness-heart-power. Needless to say, this oneness-heart-power is God's unconditional, unconditional, unconditional Compassion that is working in and through me for the improvement, betterment and enlightenment of humanity.