Dao Dao Bale Bhikharir Beshe
Dao dao bale bhikharir beshe
Jabona tomar kache
Ami je tomar sei abhiman
Ekhano amar ache
Ashanti sur hriday gabhire
Nirman se je nache
_Translation <html>I shall not come to You crying:<br \></html> <html>“Give me this, give me that,”<br \></html> <html>Like a beggar.<br \></html> <html>I still claim myself<br \></html> <html>As your true possession.<br \></html> <html>Alas, the melody of unrest<br \></html> <html>Ruthlessly dances in my heart.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
<a class="source-title" href="isls_5" title="" >Sri Chinmoy, Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance, part 5, </a>Agni Press, 1981
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