My immediate attention37

Where is the proof when I tell my cock-and-bull stories? Where is the proof? Many things I will not be able to prove. They are impossible, impossible to prove! Many things nobody will believe.

Ten or twelve years ago, from your family, somebody’s soul came up to me for immediate attention. You will not believe it. It was around eleven o’clock at night. I cannot tell you the reason why the soul came. The soul expressed the wish for my immediate attention — “immediate” is the right word. I was able to be of service to that soul, with such affection, love and joy. That individual does not know about it and I cannot tell that individual. The soul came because it needed my immediate attention. Very distinctly I remember it. Outwardly the individual may not know, but the soul knows. That family member was in serious danger.

ITU 69. Comment to Mr. B. Ramamoorthy

Sri Chinmoy, I thank You, Agni Press, 2014