The role of justice-light
One of Lahiri Mahashoy's disciples was named Kali Kumar. This disciple worked in an office, but he would visit his Master almost every evening for spiritual guidance. Unfortunately, Kali Kumar's employer was vehemently opposed to the fact that Kali Kumar was devoted to a spiritual Master. The employer was a middle-aged man, and he wanted to be Kali Kumar's only boss, so he literally hated Lahiri Mahashoy. He even went so far as to call the Master a charlatan.One evening, this employer followed Kali Kumar to Lahiri Mahashoy's house with the idea of insulting the Master. He wanted to complain that Kali Kumar was not as obedient to him as he was to the Master. He rushed inside the house but, before he could utter a word, Lahiri Mahashoy started speaking to the disciples.
Lahiri Mahashoy said, "Today I wish to show you a picture. Kindly extinguish the lamps." Kali Kumar darkened the room and everyone meditated in silence for a few minutes. Then Lahiri Mahashoy asked them, "Do you see anything?"
Both Kali Kumar and his employer saw a most beautiful young girl. Then Lahiri Mahashoy said to the employer, "Do you recognise her?" The man was so ashamed and embarrassed.
"Is it not your lover?" Lahiri Mahashoy continued. "Your wife and children are so devoted to you and so faithful to you. How is it that you have fallen desperately in love with this girl?"
Kali Kumar's employer cried and cried. "Please forgive me," he begged the Master. "I want to become your disciple. I want to be initiated by you."
Lahiri Mahashoy replied, "I cannot initiate you right now. You have to wait for six months. If you lead a pure life for six months and remain faithful to your wife, I shall initiate you."
Alas, the employer remained faithful to his wife for only three months; then he went back to his girlfriend. Four months later he passed away.
Spiritual commentary
If you try to harass a real spiritual Master, then ruthless embarrassment will dog you. The spiritual Master will easily forgive you, but it will be most difficult, almost impossible, for your own soul to forgive you.
Your soul knows that a true spiritual Master is not only your best friend, but your only friend. When you harass a spiritual Master, you attempt to break the eternal friendship that shines between your soul and the spiritual Master; therefore, your soul does not approve of it at all. At that time, your soul invokes the Cosmic Will or Justice-Light to play its role inside your unaspiring and unlit life.