Question: Could you please tell us what the motto of America means from the highest spiritual point of view?
Sri Chinmoy: "In God We Trust." The motto itself is self-explanatory. Undoubtedly it is a spiritual motto. To say that in God we trust means that we trust in our own high, higher, highest reality. When we say in Him we trust, that means we are confident that the undivine in us, the lower part in us, will eventually be transformed and become as divine, as pure, as perfect as our highest reality. To say that I have faith in God means that I have given God my entire existence for Him to guide. Just by saying, "In God we trust," we don't feel that our part is over. No, when we say that we trust God, it means that we are consciously offering our life at the Feet of God, for God to mould and shape us. And who is God if not our own higher self. So this is a spiritual motto of the highest order.
Sri Chinmoy, I love my country: Purity's Body, Agni Press, 1975