The Indian rogues9
This morning I went to buy jalabee for Ranjana’s birthday. At the counter they had broken pieces, while in one corner they had good ones. I said, “I would like to buy five pounds of the whole ones.”Whatever the price was, I gave it to the man. Then he wanted to give me the broken ones.
I said, “But I want the whole ones.”
He said, “Oh, the taste is the same.”
I said, “But my eyes won’t appreciate them.”
Then he looked at me and asked, “Are these for you or for somebody else?”
I said, “They are for somebody else.”
He said, “Why didn’t you tell me? All right, I will bring the other kind.”
100. 1 February 1985↩
Sri Chinmoy, I love shopping, part 3, Agni Press, 1994