Shopping video33
While I was shopping in Padang, Indonesia, Niriha was following me and recording everything on her video camera. In five or six stores she took video. In the last store she took video of me bargaining. In the beginning the price was 200, but in the end it came down to 100.Then, when I went into an Indian music store to buy two flutes, Niriha disappeared. I suspected that the owners were Tamil. Then all of a sudden the wife spoke to her husband in Tamil, asking him to give Agraha and me a chair.
Immediately I started speaking my Tamil. If Niriha had stayed to video, she could have got my Tamil voice. We were looking for Niriha, but that was the time she was missing!
168. 30 December 1987↩
Sri Chinmoy, I love shopping, part 4, Agni Press, 1994