How much talking I do!5

Databir brought me to a mall and left me there, and I was nicely shopping. When I went inside one store, the shopkeeper asked me, “Are you from India?”

I answered, “Yes.”

He said, “That’s why you have such a tan.”

Perhaps he thought I was tanned because I had just come from India. He was very white.

I said, “Yesterday spring started.”

He said, “You are wrong. Today spring started.”

I said, “All right, yesterday or today spring started, but it is still very cold.”

He said something like “Bad luck!” Then he said, “Why are you not taking this item? If you don’t like it, you will be able to return it.”

I said, “I am not coming back here to return it.”

When I go shopping, how much talking I do with these people!

178. 21 March 1988