Editor's note
Memorial Day weekend, May 28-29, 1978 once more saw the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team participating in the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bicycle Marathon in Central Park. This time, 197 disciples entered. On the eve of the race, Sri Chinmoy spoke to the cyclists about the spiritual significance of their arduous task.Sri Chinmoy transcended his total of the previous year, logging 230 miles. Shortly before the end of the race, he once more led the entire team in a victory lap around the course.
The team won the prizes for best riding team (logging a total of 38,605 miles), best ten-member riding team, best 10-25 member team, third place for men (Ashrita, 405 miles), first place for women (Pragati, 305 miles), and best uniform.
Sri Chinmoy, My cycling experiences, Agni Press, 2007