Question: I am a beginner in meditation, and I find that I am constantly troubled by thoughts. How can I have a successful meditation?
Sri Chinmoy: When starting your journey, try to allow only divine thoughts to enter into you, and not undivine thoughts. It is better not to have any thoughts at all during meditation, but it is next to impossible for the beginner to have a mind without thoughts. But this beginner is learning; he will not always be a beginner.How can you have a successful meditation? Try to cry inwardly, cry for liberation. When this cry comes from deep within, the Inner Pilot, God, will teach you how to meditate. The secret of meditation is aspiration. Aspiration is the inner cry. If you cry from deep within you will get what you need.
Sri Chinmoy, Mind-confusion and heart-illumination, part 2, Agni Press, 1974