Editor's introduction to the first edition
Who is man? Who is God? What do man and God mean to each other?Since he came into existence, these three questions have echoed and re-echoed inside the depths of each man’s searching mind, longing heart, and revealing soul.
Man has searched and searched continually and continuously, consciously and unconsciously, hopefully and finally desperately for his true Self, his true Lord, his true Source. But throughout man’s soulful quest, God has never, nor will he ever allow one child of His to wander alone and unguided in his search.
God has come to man on earth again and again from time immemorial, in the form of a few God-realised souls who are chosen to guide man and reveal God to man. Sri Chinmoy is one such realised soul. At the inner command of God, the Supreme, he came to the West from his native Bengal, India in 1964 for the sole purpose of serving the Divine in humanity. Since then he has established spiritual centres in his name throughout the West, including New York, London, Puerto Rico, Connecticut, Jamaica West Indies, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Miami, Dublin and Glasgow. He also holds a weekly meditation at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy is the Supreme’s chosen instrument. Through him God speaks to all His spiritual children, to all sincere seekers. He tells us that conscious, constant and inseparable oneness with God, our destined Goal, is not an impossible task, but rather a simple and joyful one when we can open our hearts to Him and love Him as our very own. Here in “Man and God”, Sri Chinmoy imparts to us his inner wisdom-light in a clear and direct language that all seekers can see, feel and realise.
Man asks, “Where can I find the Truth? Where can I find the answers to my lifelong questions?”
The Truth is here; the answers are here, not only in this book, but in each and every one of Sri Chinmoy’s divinely inspired writings.
To conclude, our Master’s philosophy runs:
  God is man yet to be totally manifested."