Question: Could you speak on intensity in prayer?
Sri Chinmoy: When we pray we should always do it most soulfully and intensely. ‘Intensity’ is only a word but we can live it. When we pray we should not bring the mind forward at all. We should not think, “This prayer is a form of desire.” Prayer is not a desire like the desire to make thousands of dollars or to write beautiful poems. No. It is not like that. When the Supreme wants us to pray, we have to do it most soulfully, sincerely and devotedly. Prayer is a kind of aspiration which invokes Infinity’s Compassion-Light to transform our human nature into divine nature. Again, in our prayer we see something most significant. We see God’s Will which is at once our aspiration-height and God’s manifestation-might.
Sri Chinmoy, Meditation: God's Blessing-Assurance, Agni Press, 1974