Question: Do we come back with the same body, vital and mind?
Sri Chinmoy: No, we do not come back with the same body, vital and mind. But if the body, vital and mind are very, very pure, extremely, extremely pure, then the quintessence of that purity can enter into the heart. And if the heart is pure, then the quintessence of the heart's purity can enter into the soul and be preserved. The physical body that we take will never be the same in the next incarnation. When we die, the physical consciousness, vital consciousness and mental consciousness we have to leave at different places. The soul does not take them with it when it goes up to the higher worlds. But if you have done something very, very good, then the essence or quintessence of your achievement can enter into the higher realities along with the soul.
Sri Chinmoy, My heart shall give a oneness-feast, Agni Press, 1993