Previous visits
Sri Chinmoy’s Visits to the University of Cambridge1 November 23, 1970 — Talk entitled “The Higher Worlds’’ offered at King’s College.
2 June 12, 1973 — Talk entitled “The Seeker’s Journey” offered at Keynes Hall, King’s College.
3 June 24, 1974 — Talk entitled “Failure” offered in the Riverside Lounge at the University Centre.
4 June 21, 1976 — Talk entitled “Confidence” offered at the University Centre.
5 May 15, 1981 — Sri Chinmoy offered a concert and talk entitled “Progress-Delight” at Lady Mitchell Hall at the invitation of Dr. Bernard Carr, Society of the Common Life.
6 June 27, 1989 — Sri Chinmoy offered a talk entitled “Oneness-Education”, a concert and a “Lifting Up the World With a Oneness-Heart” programme at West Road Concert Hall. Among those lifted was Nobel Laureate Dr. Brian Josephson.
7 November 12, 1997 — At the invitation of the Dean of Chapel, the Reverend George Pattison, Sri Chinmoy offered a concert in King’s College Chapel to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of India’s Independence, in the presence of the Indian High Commissioner, Dr. L.M. Singhvi, and the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Sir David Williams. Dr. Singhvi gave a talk on the heritage of India and also presented a bust of Sri Aurobindo and one of Mahatma Gandhi to the University. Afterwards, accompanied by the Vice-Provost, Dr. John Barber, Dr. Singhvi and Sri Chinmoy planted a tree in the Fellows Garden.
8 November 1, 2000 — At the invitation of the Dean of Chapel, the Reverend George Pattison, Sri Chinmoy offered a concert in Keynes Hall, King’s College, to mark the 50th Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi (passing). During the concert, he gave a talk entitled “Aurobindo Versus Sri Aurobindo. ”
9 June 27, 2003 Sri Chinmoy offered a “Lifting Up the World With a Oneness-Heart” award ceremony in the Provost’s Lodge Garden, King’s College, hosted by the Provost, Sir Patrick Bateson, and his wife, Lady Dusha Bateson.
The early lectures that Sri Chinmoy offered at the University of Cambridge have been appended here. Some were previously printed in a series of Sri Chinmoy’s complete European lectures from 1970 to 1976, entitled My Rose-Petals.