My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!Out of Your infinite Bounty,
You and Your Will follow me
Wherever I go
And whatever I do.
When I go out climbing,
You and Your Will go out with me climbing.
When I go out swimming,
You and Your Will go out with me swimming.
When I go out running,
You and Your Will go out with me running.
And even when I go out shopping,
You and Your Will go out with me shopping.
What a strange experience You are giving me,
My Lord Supreme!
Instead of my following You,
You and Your Will are following me.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
5 December 2005, 4:16 a.m. Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. Seated double-dumbbell lift: 400 lbs.
Sri Chinmoy the Eternal Beginner (Blue violin): Abar asibo phire janani sneha nire
Sri Chinmoy, My Morning Soul-Body Prayers, part 19, Agni Press, 2006