My friends, my enemies12
O my Pilot Beloved, my friends consciously help me realise You. My enemies unconsciously help me transform my unlit human nature. Would You please tell me if my friends are more important than my enemies, or if my enemies are more important than my friends?"My child, no comparison! Unconscious help is not worth much. Unconscious help does not deserve any appreciation, let alone gratitude. But if help is conscious, then it deserves not only appreciation but also gratitude. Therefore, only offer your gratitude to your true friends, who consciously help you. But just because you do get help, even unconsciously, from your enemies, if you happen to see them as you walk along the path, you can offer them a soulful smile. You do not have to go out of your way to look for your friends, either, anywhere in My creation. Just offer them in silence your gratitude-heart.
"Again, there is only one real Friend, one eternal Friend, and that is I. It is from Me that everyone gets the things he needs to transcend his unlit animal nature and realise Me. It is I who help you to realise Me through your human friends. It is I who have been playing the role of friendship from time immemorial. Since you do not see Me, since you cannot comprehend Me in the physical, it is advisable to be constantly grateful to your so-called friends. It is your friends who are constantly helping you to realise Me. Realisation is oneness, eternal oneness, and in Me is your eternal oneness-life. He who helps you realise Me is your oneness-friend and My blessingful, fruitful chosen instrument."
MPB 12. 2 August 1978, 5:45 p.m. 144th St. Gym, Jamaica. N.Y.↩