The shortest distance15
O my Pilot Beloved, today I have a volley of questions. Would You kindly answer them?"Yes, I shall, My child."
Please tell me the shortest distance between two human beings.
Please tell me the shortest distance between You and me.
"A constant cry."
Please tell me the shortest distance between man and the cosmic gods.
Please tell me the shortest distance between man's mind and man's heart.
Please tell me the shortest distance between Your transcendental Vision and the universal Reality.
"A oneness-smile."
Now, do tell me how the seeker in me can cover these distances.
"My child, for that you need concentration on the physical plane, meditation on the inner plane and contemplation in My all-illumining and all-fulfilling Plane. Without concentration, everything that you have and everything that you are will not be able to bring about success. Your life-tree will fall apart, your life-house will fall apart. Without meditation, your illumining and fulfilling hope-bridge that connects Heaven and earth will not last. It will fall apart. Without contemplation, the divine in you will never be able to manifest the Universal and Transcendental in you.
"Concentrate! You will achieve your goal. Meditate! You will be able to remain inside the very depth of your goal. Contemplate! You will become the goal itself. The all-illumining, all-fulfilling goal, it is you who will become."
MPB 15. 3 August 1978, 7:40 p.m. Sri Chinmoy Centre Church, Bayside, N.Y.↩