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Mother, Mother Teresa, to me you were, you are and you will forever remain a Sister of infinite affection and a Mother of infinite compassion. You showered your choicest blessings, affection, love, concern and compassion upon me, upon my aspiring heart and devoted life.With your unparalleled service-light, you have awakened and illumined millions and millions of souls that were suffering, are still suffering, and have yet to suffer. Your service-light to humanity will forever shine bright, brighter, brightest in the heart-garden of humanity.
On the strength of your sleepless and breathless service to mankind, you became, you are and you will forever remain the greatest and best treasure in the heart and life of evolving humanity.
Today’s Peace Concert I am placing at your blessingful feet. You have blessed me with the beauty of infinite affection. You have blessed me with the fragrance of infinite compassion. Therefore, to you I offer my prayerful, soulful and self-giving gratitude-heart, gratitude-heart, gratitude-heart.
[Sri Chinmoy then read the translation of his Bengali song “Jibaner Sheshe” and dedicated the song to Mother Teresa.]
MT 62. On 6 September 1997, Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert at the Mera Hall in Warsaw, before an audience of 2,000 peace-lovers. At his request, a large picture of Mother Teresa was placed on the stage. Sri Chinmoy offered his homage to Mother Teresa and then dedicated his Peace Concert to her.↩