Question: How can the individual seeker offer his aspiration to the world community?57

Sri Chinmoy: If the individual seeker feels that the world community is something outside himself, then he will not be able to offer his aspiration to it. But if he feels that the world community is within him, and if he feels that it is part and parcel of his own life, then his prayer and meditation definitely will raise the standard of the world community. First he has to feel his oneness with the world community, and then he has to feel that the world community is not outside his sphere of existence; it is within him. Then, anything that he does to raise his own aspiration will also nourish the world community, and anything that he contributes to the improvement of the world community will also be for his own success and progress. If he feels this, then his own prayer and meditation will help the world considerably. That is the easiest way to raise the standard of the world community.

MUN 122. 26 August 1977.