Question: Are the ideals of the United Nations applicable to every area of our lives without exception?
Sri Chinmoy: The United Nations means the united reality, which is God’s cosmic manifestation taking place through His cosmic Vision. The different nations here are like the petals of a flower; only if all the petals are together will they form a rose. If the petals are torn or scattered, then we cannot call it a rose. There has to be a oneness based on the collectivity and the unification of reality. The oneness-song of the United Nations embodies these ideals. The same ideals should be applied to the body, vital, mind, heart and soul of each individual. In every area of our lives there should be the message of oneness. If the body, vital, mind, heart and soul of each individual can be united, then all the nations representing God-Reality on earth can also be united and the ideals of the United Nations will be fulfilled.