How can I have peace?103

My sweet Lord Beloved Supreme, every day I pray to You, every day I meditate on You. Yet peace of mind is still a far cry. Do tell me how I can have peace, my sweet Lord Beloved Supreme.

“My seeker-son, extinguish the mind’s desire-fire. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Reject your expectation-dreams once and for all. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Drink no more from the fear-cup. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Do not ride the frustration-train any more in this lifetime. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Be sleeplessly on the alert at every moment. Do not allow worry-anxiety-mosquitoes to bite you. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Try to catch the doubt-thief red-handed. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Think at every moment that you are of Me alone, and try to feel at every moment that you are for Me alone. Peace will immediately be yours.

“Increase your mind’s dynamism-flames every day devotedly and selflessly. Peace will sing its beauty-song and divinity-song in and through you.

“Spread your heart’s meditation-fragrance every day devotedly and soulfully. Peace will sing its beauty-song and divinity-song in and through you.

“Ask your mind to study the subject of silence-delight. Peace will sing its beauty-song and divinity-song in and through you.

“Feed no more the hunger-pride of your vital-demon. Peace will sing its beauty-song and divinity-song in and through you.

“Learn from your private tutor, the soul, the secret of surrender-perfection, devotedly, soulfully and selflessly. Peace will sing its beauty-song and divinity-song in and through you.”

My sweet Lord Beloved Supreme, how can the animal kingdom, the human kingdom, the Cosmic Gods and the spiritual Masters of the highest order have peace? Have You ever asked them whether they want peace from You?

“My sweet child, I asked the members of the animal kingdom what they actually wanted from Me. They immediately told Me they needed power to destroy, and not peace.

“I asked the human beings what they wanted. They said they wanted power to exercise their supremacy. They did not want peace.

“I asked the Cosmic Gods what they wanted to have from Me. They said they wanted to have a sea of Delight so that the animal kingdom and the human kingdom could never equal them. They wanted to remain unparalleled and enjoy the divine ecstasy of the nectar-sea. They did not want peace.

“I asked Sri Krishna, Lord Buddha, the Christ and other spiritual Masters of the highest order what they wished to have from Me. Their immediate answer was, ‘Let Thy Will be done’. I asked them specifically what they wanted from me. Again the same answer! Therefore, I asked these representatives of Mine on earth to carry only one message, the message of peace — peace in the animal world, peace in the human world, peace in the divine world, peace in the entire universe. Nothing in My Creation will satisfy either Me or any Creation of Mine save and except peace.

“My sweet child, what I want from you, and what I have been dreaming of since the beginning of Creation, is peace — peace in My entire universe.”

OEH 108. ETH (Technical University); Zurich, Switzerland, 11 June 1986.