The Master with his eighteen disciples
The Master with his six unsatisfactory disciples
"Master, are you pleased with me?""Sorry, I am not."
"Master, why not?"
"Because your sincerity is lip-deep."
"Master, are you pleased with me?"
"Sorry, I am not."
"Master, why not?"
"Because you feel that the highest spirituality and the lowest animal sensuality can go perfectly well together."
"Master, are you pleased with me?"
"Sorry, I am not."
"Master, why not?"
"Because you don't see the inner world and the outer world as one whole. Because you don't see the outer world through the eyes of the inner world."
"Master, are you pleased with me?"
"Sorry, I am not."
"Master, why not?"
"Because you think that you have given me everything. But I want to tell you that you have given me next to nothing. You have given me thirty percent of your sincerity, ten percent of your dedication, forty percent of your concern, fifty percent of your aspiration, hardly one percent of your outer success and none of your inner success."
"Master, are you pleased with me?"
"Sorry, I am not."
"Master, why not?"
"Because you think that my mission is my mental hallucination, my conscious fabrication, my deliberate imposition and my self-aggrandisement. You think that I use the terms 'God's Mission' and 'God's Manifestation on earth' just to acquire boundless name and fame for myself. You feel that there is a yawning gulf between me and the Supreme. You feel that there is no God in me — only the constant dance of ego."
"Master, are you pleased with me?"
"Sorry, I am not."
"Master, why not?"
"Because you are extremely happy that, although you are not of me, you are totally for me. Do not cherish this false idea. Unless you have become totally of me, you can never be really for me.
"Dear children, I wish to tell you that it is the human in me that is displeased with you, and not the divine in me. The divine in me is inseparably one with your imperfections, limitations, bondage and ignorance."