Question: How do you feel about people who are doing automatic writing and things like that?
Sri Chinmoy: A seeker on the spiritual path who aspires for real spirituality would never, never indulge in this kind of thing. To go to a medium to find out what is happening in Heaven, on earth, or in the vital world is not spirituality at all. Spirituality means the constant aspiration to be totally unified with God. Spirituality means one's natural oneness with God. In today's world, God has become unnatural. To the human beings who are bundles of ignorance, God has become something abnormal and unnatural. But for those who are following the path of real spirituality, God is absolutely normal and natural.So if somebody is interested in automatic writing, mediums and trances, you have to try to kindle the flame of aspiration in him. He may not listen to you, but if he is very near and dear to you, try to show him that automatic writing is not good. Only concentration, meditation and contemplation can give him abiding satisfaction. But try to make him see that it is he who is discovering the truth and not you who are imposing some truth upon him. When one feels that he has discovered the truth from within, then that truth becomes normal and natural; it becomes a living reality. In that way you will be able to bring him to the right path. So inwardly please try; but not outwardly. Your inner effort will be much more fruitful.
Sri Chinmoy, Occultism and mysticism, Agni Press, 1977